Tuesday, April 19, 2016


 Hello, My name is Tanya.  I am 33 years old and I am a Mom of two lovely, passionate daughters.  I have a hard working husband who supports my crazy ways. I have to say I am very blessed. My family and I think we look like a pretty normal family from afar but spending  any amount of time with us reveals we are just as dysfunctional  and kooky as the next family.
 I consider myself to be a crunchy lady with a moderately crunchy family.  Now we are not a bunch of dirty hippies, even though I think that sounds like a blast.  We are just a middle class family in the suburbs of  Metro Detroit  trying to make healthy choices and keeping it real.
 I don't have a ton of crunchy friends so I figured I would start a blog to share my experiences, ideas, recipes, my parenting struggles, funny and embarrassing things that I do and a place to find some neat high quality products that I have reviewed.
I can honestly say I am pretty excited to share myself with the online community and putting myself and my ways out there.
I hope my new blog will be fun and informative.

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