Thursday, May 26, 2016

This is a very nice and set of blended essential oils. A blended essential oil mean there are multiple essential oils in one bottle that are combined to give different results when diffused or applied to the body. This set as a great variety of oil blends for some of the most common aliments.

Good Night blend which is my favorite contains ylang ylang, neroli, sandalwood, mandarin, and roman chamomile oils. This blend is designed to promote a clam and restful sleep. This can be diffused or applied to the bottom of the feet using a carrier oil like coconut or jojoba oil.  I like to mainly diffuse it because the top note of sandalwood just fills the room and I love it.

Health Shield blend contains lavender, orange, bergamot, and ylang ylang oils. I do think it has a bit of spicy cinnamon scent to it but that is not listed on the oil. This is a great oil to diffuse to help keep cooties away if someone in my house is sick.

Deep Muscle blend contains rosemary, eucalyptus, and black pepper oils. This is a great oil to apply to sore muscles, I do use coconut oil when applying this.  It works like a natural icy hot.

Head Ease blend contains orange , lemon, peppermint, spearmint, geranium, ginger, and fennel oils.  This blend works so great when I apply it my temples, behind my ears forehead, and the base of my neck to help with headaches of congestion. This blend works very well when diffused to help with nasal congestion.

Stress Relief blend contains orange , lemon, peppermint, spearmint, geranium, ginger, and fennel oils. The same as the Head Ease blend, but there is more of a citrus scent unlike the Head Ease that has more of minty scent.  Because of the citrus scent I like to diffuse this in the morning when I wake up. I think it really helps getting my going for the day while I am doing my yoga.

Breath blend which my second favorite and second most used  contains lavender, ylang ylang, and bergamot oils. To me there is a eucalyptus scent to it but it not on the list of oils for this bottle. This blend is great for nasal congestion and colds when difused, It can be diluted with a carrier oil and applied to the bottoms of feet to help.

All in all I think this a nice set of blended oils that can be used everyday. This is a good addition to my essential oils and would be a good purchase to anyone who wants to expand beyond single oils.

I did receive this product for free in exchange for my honest and unbiased review after personally testing it out.

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