Thursday, July 28, 2016

Emergency First Aid Kit


So I have only had to use a few band aids and some antibiotic ointment out of this First Aid Kit so far, and I am hoping that is all I need to use out of this kit.  I have to say I was very happy have this in our car.  We were at the beach and my youngest fell and scraped her knee pretty bad, to her it was almost fatal.  Instead of having to pack up and go home I was able to send my oldest to the car to grab this first aid kit. I was able to clean out the scrap and put a bandage on and could continue with our fun time. 

I think it is always important to be prepared. That is why I keep this in my car.  No matter what kind of emergency may arise I feel confident that I can be ready.  There is everything in this kit from a common  bandages and antiseptic ointment to a CPR face mask and a razor blade.  There are 100 items in this compact first aid kit. The kit closes with a zipper so all the contents are safe in place. 

I did receive this product for free in exchange for my unbiased and honest review. 

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