Thursday, July 28, 2016

"What do I Feel?" Give 'n' Get Educational Card Toy by Michal Laufer 


I like this little game, well I don't know if it is classified as a game, but it is a great way to help my 3 year old learn about and recognize different emotions. We "play" this at dinner time a few times a week. My 3 year old loves, but my almost 17 year old wants to bang her head on the wall every time we bring this to the table. I think using this is an easy way to talk about the days events and how we felt about different parts of the day.

There are multiple ways to use the cards in this. We sometimes take turns picking a card and saying what we think is going on the card and how the characters are feeling. We also pick cards and make the face of the emotion on the card and take turns guessing what the emotion is. We also talk about a time in our life or day that we have had similar feelings.

All in all this is great way for kids to talk about, learn, and recognize different emotions. There are multiples in the deck of cards, which is fun becasue everyone can get a chance to pick a different emotion. I do think it would be cool if there were other emotions in there too like confused, concerned, confident, worry, shy, embarrassed, safe and brave would all be good additions.

I did receive this product for free in exchange for my unbiased and honest review.



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