Thursday, June 16, 2016


My daughter loves these alphabet puzzle animals. They are now the only bath toys she wants in the tub. She likes to push out all the letters and match them back up to the animal, then she sticks them on the wall.  She has been pretty rough on these and surprisingly they have not ripped or torn.  I really like that she thinks she is just playing but I know she is learning too, by identifying the letters, the shape of the letter and trying to sound them out.

Each one of the 26 animals is a very good size. Each letter fits inside the animal like a puzzle piece. So even if my daughter doesn't know the letter "T" she does know it goes with the turtle.  Each animal and letter is well done in foam that is non toxic, so it the color on them too. The edges are smooth with no flaws. The letters and animals are all very colorful too.   This does not come with a mesh bag to store these, so I recommend getting one so the letters don't get all yucky for the water.  I have not had to clean these yet but I am assuming a mild soap or a weak dilution of vinegar and water would work well.

I think this is a great learning toy for ages 2-5 years. It is suitable for both boys and girls. They are easy to stick on the walls. Fun to play with as puzzles. learning and recognizing letters, and just fun to make all the different animal sounds. Right now my daughters favorite is the E for elephant becasue that is what her name starts with but she thinks the Y for yak is so funny too.

I did purchase this product at a discounted price in exchange for my honest and unbiased review after properly trying them out.

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