Friday, June 17, 2016

Very nice product for at home facials!! 


I use this twice a week in the evening, after I wash my makeup off or get out the shower.  I add my distilled water and turn it on. I keep this on my counter and bring my face down to it. I really don't recommend picking it while the steam is on.  I keep my face about 6 inches away and keep my eyes closed. The steam lasts about 10 minutes which a good amount of time.  After the steaming I use my derm tool to remove any pimples or black head from my skin. I then use my gentle toner and continue with my regular skin regimen.

I really don't have the time or money to go get a professional facial as often as I wish I could, so this was a great choice for me.  My teenage daughter and her friends like to use this when they have sleepovers too.  This can be used with or without a towel around the face depending on how much steam  I want on my face.

I did purchase this product at a discounted price in exchange for my unbiased and honest review. 

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