Wednesday, October 5, 2016

         Flexible and Light Neck Band Wireless Headsets                                                    by  Fetta

This is a very neat set of headphones with ear buds.  This works with many smart phones including iPhones and Galaxy phones as well.  If your phone has a Bluetooth feature than these would work. 

This device sits around the neck. It is light weight and not bothersome at all.  The ear buds are magnetic so when not in use they can be set in the device as my pictures shows above.  When I get a phone call the device vibrates to notify me.  I can answer my phones with headphones or my phone.  But these are not jut for hands free phone calls. I use them them mainly for listening to music when I am working out, cleaning, mowing the lawn, or shopping.  I have to say listening to music while I am doing my dreaded weekly grocery shopping makes it much more enjoyable.  I can even just put one ear bud in  so I can be aware of surrounding.   

The sound quality is really good for both phone calls and music.  When I use this for phone calls neither I  or the person on the other end has any trouble hearing each other. 

I think this a much easier option to wear and use as opposed to regular ear buds that plug into the phone or other Bluetooth ear buds that just have the thin wire.  I don't have to worry about wires or earbuds not staying in place. These  stay in place do matter what I am doing.  

I think these would make a really nice gift for the up coming holiday season.  They are useful, affordable and come  in black, white, red, or gold. 

I did purchase this product at a discounted price in exchange for my unbiased and honest review. 

1 comment:

  1. This is very good product but how can i purchase this product ? i need your help.You can check this Flexible Headsets i think those are also good.
