Tuesday, October 11, 2016

                I am loving infused salt! 


I have recently discovered Black Truffle Sea Salt and I am sprinkling it on everything form popcorn to steak.   I do wish the truffle flavor was a little bit more bolder, but it is still really tasty. 

I ordered Black Truffle Organic Sea Salt by Saltopia and I love that it comes in this small apothecary style glass jar, there is a latch to lock it closed. It also comes with a small wooden spoon but I just use my fingers and sprinkle it on whatever I want to. 

My favorite ways to use slat is to sprinkle on fresh popped popcorn that I toss in brown butter, the combination of the nutty brown butter and the earthy flavor of the truffle takes my snacking to the next level.  I also like to season our steaks with it too.  I season the steak right after it comes off the grill with this truffle salt and top with sauteed mushroom and onions..MMMM.. so good. 

I think this would make a great gift to any food on your list come this holiday season! 

Disclosure   .  I received this product at a discount. All opinions  and words are my own.  I am under no obligation to write a review or recommend this product.  The choice was purely my own and I received no additional compensation


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