Thursday, October 13, 2016

                   Scratch Off World Map

My husband and I have always talked about traveling before kids but that never happened. So I now we want to travel with the kids! So while talking to my family and trying to make some really loose plans I realized that just talking about it wan't going to make it happen.  


Long story short I came across this really neat Scratch Off Travel Map. (link Here) So basically it is a poster off the world but there is a gold layer that can be scratched off like a lottery ticket to mark the places around the world the family has gone.  I think that is a really cool idea but this map also comes with eight sheets of stickers. The stickers include famous land marks, pin points, bullseyes, flags and some other stickers to decorate the map with.  There is also a special coin included that is about the size of a quarter. 

I like having this map becasue we now have made some serious plans to travel. Which or plans our just to travel in the USA but hey, it is a start and I can scratching off some states down south. 

I think this would make a really cool gift for someone who travels.  My best friends husbands travels a lot for his job and I am going to get them one of these maps for Christmas so before he leaves or comes home he can show the kids where he is going or has been. 

Disclosure: I received this product at a discount. All opinions  and words are my own.  I am under no obligation to write a review or recommend this product.  The choice was purely my own and I received no additional compensation


1 comment:

  1. I know how to create a world maps in this blog ..
    discovery map scratch off world
    Looking for maps? We've got them. We even have scratch off maps to show where you have visited.
