Thursday, October 6, 2016

Star Wars Lightsaber Coffee Mug

I ordered this mug for my husband. He is a pretty big Star Wars fan, so I knew he would really like this mug.  I was actually surprised at how excited he was when I gave it to him.   He immediately had to try it out.   He tried it with just hot water but that  wasn't hot enough to make the light sabers appear on.  But when he added hot coffee almost instantly the light sabers started to "light up" starting at the bottom of the cup and going all the way to the top.  It was actually kind of cool, made funny by husband making the light saber noise while the light up. 

The only bummer about the mug is that this has to be hand washed to protect the sticker on the outside form peeling off.  

Other than that this is a really cool mug for any Star Wars fan at any age. 

I did purchase this product at a discounted price.  My opinion and words are my own.  I was in no was compensated for leaving this post.  I just think it is a cool product. 

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