Thursday, October 6, 2016

Deluxe Professional Curly Hair Products Set by Royal Locks


I like this product but I don't love it.  I have loose curly hair and once I stopped straightening it and started to love and accept my curls I was on the hunt for the just the right products  I have been trying products for over a decade to get my curls to look good. 

Here is what I like about this combo, First I like that it doesn't weight my curls down and my hair is not crunchy when I use these two.  But I don't think there is enough hold to hold my curls up, they seem a little flat and I find myself using the curl boosting spray throughout the day. I guess I was really looking for a product that I wouldn't have to reapply.  I also feel like this combo does do a really good job at controlling frizz. 

This does contain argan oil which I have been using on my hair and skin for over a year now, but I can't pronounce any other ingredient in this product.  I prefer to use products that are much more natural. 

I received this product at a discount but I am under no obligation to write a review. The choice was purely my own and I received no additional compensation.

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