Friday, October 21, 2016

        I found some more affordable essential oils! 

I use essential oils daily, multiple times a day. I am going to come right out and say that my favorite brand of essential oils is Young Living. I have tried almost a dozen other brands but I always run quickly back to my Young Living oils for all my needs. 

I have just recently came upon another brand that is a very close second to my beloved Young Living. The brand is called Earth Shield (link here).  I purchased two of there oils at a discounted price and I am pretty damn impressed. 

The first oil that I ordered was Gang of Five Essential Oil, it is very comparable to Young Living Thieves oil. So I used this oil just like I did my Thieves.  First I diffused it becasue it is cold season and my husband has the sniffles.  The scent is similar but has a stronger scent of a cinnamon, I like it. Then I used it when I moped my kitchen and bathroom floors.  I added 15 drops of oil to 1/2 cup of vinegar and water.  It cleaned my floors really good and the scent of the oil lingered a bit. 

 The second oil I ordered is Helichrysum  which is amazing for colds and any upper respiratory infection.  Now if you are familiar with Young Living and this oil you know it is a pricey one. But the Earth Shield one is much more affordable.  I diffuse this in my room at night for my husband so he can breath easier.  I also made my homemade salve (similar to vicks capor rub)  I mixed 1/2 cup of coconut oil and 7 drops of Helichrysum, 7 drops of Lavender, and 5  Rosemary essential oil and put in a small mason jar.   I apply to the bottom of our feet and on our chest to help with any kind of congestion. 

I have to say I am very happy with these oils and I think they are defiantly worth checking out. 

I received these products at a discount. All opinions  and words are my own.  I am under no obligation to write a review or recommend this product.  The choice was purely my own and I received 

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