Tuesday, October 11, 2016

My thoughts on  the Turtlemeter by Ozeri

Since my youngest is now 3 years old I really didn't think I had a need for a bath tub thermometer.  But lately my daughter is complaining about the water being too hot for her when it is bath time.  She apparently now prefers her bath water to be seven  degrees above room temperature.  Which in turn means that in 3 minutes her bath water is too cold.  

So I thought using a friendly bath tub thermometer would be a good way to show her that when the turtles shell has red it is too hot, when it is blue it is too cold, but when it is green it is just right. 
As far a accuracy is concerned it is about four degrees off according to my cooking thermometer. 


I don't let her play with play with the thermometer, I actually take it out after we agree on the temperature.  I don't think this is made to be a toy so I don't want her to break it.  

After using this for almost two weeks now I think it works well and I don't have to argue about the water temperature with a 3 year old. 

Disclosure:  I received this product for free. All opinons and words are my own.  I am under no obligation to write a review or recommend this product.  The choice was purely my own and I received no additional compensation.

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